Mouse Ear Cress is an annual herb, 5-20 cm tall, erect, simple or
branched, usually from the base. It is often hairy below and hairless
above with short, branched or simple hairs. Basal leaves form a rosette,
obovate-oblong, 1.5-5 cm long, 0.5-1 cm broad, nearly stalkless, slightly
to distinctly toothed or entire. Upper leaves are short, distant, oblong
or linear, wedge-shaped below, stalkless, entire or obscurely toothed.
Flowers racemes are 15-30-flowered, up to 20 cm long in fruit. Flowers are
2-3 mm across, white or pale pinkish. Flower-stalks are 8-15 mm long in
fruit, threadlike, subspreading or upward-pointing. Sepals are 1.5-2 mm
long. Petals are 3-4 mm long, 1 mm broad. Stamens are 6 or 4, about
1.5-2.5 mm long (outer 2 sometimes suppressed). Fruits are 1.2-1.8 cm
long, 1 mm broad, linear, cylindrical, often somewhat upcurved. Mouse Ear
Cress is native to temperate Eurasia and part of Africa. It is found in
the Himalayas up to 2300 m. Flowering: April-June.